Winter Events
Feb. 15-17, 2025
May Events
May 10 & 11, 2025
June Events
June 14 & 15, 2025
Summer Events
June 28 - July 6, 2025

Ontario Family Fishing Events

How to Host A Public Event

How to Organize an Ontario Family Fishing Event (OFFE)

Events must fall during between February 15-17 & June 28 – July 6, 2025

Events can include but are not limited to:

Fishing derbies – catch and release and/or catch and keep
Fishing clinics – ‘How To’
Fishing seminars – what lures and bait to use
In water fishing techniques
On land fishing techniques (if no water available)
Habitat preservation and restoration
Invasive species information or seminars
Fly fishing; fly tying techniques
Who can tell or make up the tallest fishing tales
Organize one of these or put two or three together and make a day of it.

Who to talk to for help organizing and finding locations:

Local councils
Fishing retailers
Conservation Authorities
Ontario Parks
Fish and Game clubs
Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Campgrounds, marinas, lodges and resorts
Recreation centers
Rotary, Optimist, Legion, Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus and Kinsmen and other service clubs
Big Brothers and Big Sisters clubs
Local police and fire departments
Local libraries

Some of these places will be more than willing to help with volunteers, water resources or equipment purchases. You can ask people to bring their own fishing equipment but having some on hand for those who don’t have any is a big plus. Remember to make sure to have some lifejackets available for those younger children.

Make it fun for everyone. If it’s a derby, having some prizes on hand is also another big plus.

After getting the event planned, ‘Submit Your Event’ on to let others know that the event is happening and get a little free advertising. The more people who know about the event the better!

Once you have submitted your event, a package will be sent to your address in order for you to prepare for and promote your event. This package will include:

• copies of the Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary
• an ice safety information booklet (winter)
• ‘Learn to Fish’ and ‘Catch Fishing’ booklets
• young angler licences, and a few lures for distribution as prizes

Once again, we are happy to include Ontario OUT OF DOORS Magazine as a proud supporter of the licence-free opportunities and will be providing each event with 3 free one-year magazine subscriptions for distribution as prizes.

Call your local newspaper and radio station and get them to do a story about the event. Hang posters in as many places as you can.

Ontario Family Fishing Events during February 15-17, 2025 (Family Day Weekend) and June 28 – July 6, 2025 are free fishing for Canadian residents and gives them a chance to see how much fun family fishing can be.

So let’s get started. Make some telephone calls, arrange some volunteers and explore the fun of fishing and start someone else fishing. Give them something that will last a lifetime of family fun!

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Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association Canadian National Sportsfishing Federation Government of Ontario
Lucky Strike Baitworks Shimano Ontario OUT OF DOORS Magazine